Reserve a consultation appointment
Finally put your project together online
Simply order samples for all products
Buy via the platform or use the RRP's for the first calculation
Save time with only a contact person
Why do you want to limit the variety of products?
There is another way!
We will help you to have more time for designing new products. Your time is too valuable to waste on time-consuming product research.
Find inspiration to buy later
Discover new products
Find all product information and prices immediately
Order samples easily
Our team checks all manufacturers in advance for high-quality design and quality
Create your own inspiration with your project photos
Use our service to quickly receive all necessary information
Contact manufacturers directly via the Manufacturer profile
Use the platform simply for planning or product orders
Your builders can also order directly via the platform
You can find these brands with us, among others:

You want more awareness for your office and your projects?
Learn more about Exclusive Designer Profiles:
Create a designer profile
Discover potential
What does the platform offer me?
1. Kostenloses Erstgespräch
Du möchtest deine Projekte präsentieren, aber dir fehlt die Zeit? Im direkten Dialog klären wir, wie wir dich am besten unterstützen können.
2. Effizientes Marketing
Unsere Experten erarbeiten gemeinsam mit dir eine Strategie, wie wir dich und deine Projekte bestmöglich präsentieren können. Ob Instagram-Reel oder Pinterest-Post, wir bewerben dich Kanalübergreifend über STYLIQUE.
3. Erreiche mehr Sichtbarkeit
Stelle deine Projekte vor und verlinke verbaute und abgebildete Elemente direkt mit Produkten auf der Plattform für mehr Sichtbarkeit.
4. Werde Teil der Community
Vernetze dich mit Kollegen, Marken und Kunden und profitiere von einem vergrößerten Netzwerk.
5. Kein Risiko
Unsere Services sind kostenfrei und nicht an einen Vertrag gebunden. Du wirst Teil einer Community und teilst deine Projekte ganz ohne Risiko.
Our promise
Quality and design.

What makes this B2B platform so special? It is unique.
Stylique was developed by architects and is the first B2B platform for the design building industry - and the community will grow quickly.You will quickly discover the difference to an online manufacturer directory.
You can find inspiration & products in one place
STYLIQUE is a marketplace. Find products & network directly with brands and partners.
A large selection - yet clear
Security & Service. Our team is at your side with your projects.

Interior Content & Press Kit
Would you also like to publish your projects on STYLIQUE, start a marketing cooperation with us, or just find out more about STYLIQUE? Talk to me!